The Post-Lockdown Sunday Lunch Club — new dates announced

Well, it seems there is demand for a Sunday lunch club even if it does mean navigating the woes of rail replacement buses (sorry November people). So, I’ll run more in 2022 — dates as follows:
- Sunday 6th February
- Sunday 6th March
- Sunday 3rd April
- Sunday 8th May
In all cases timings will be 12.30ish arrival for 1.00 pm sit down, and leave say by 4.00 so I have chance to clear up before the evening.
Same rules as before:
Up to 8 people (that is, me plus a further 7), bookings on a first come, first served basis, and you take pot luck on who the other participants are;
You book at least a week in advance, letting me know of allergies, likes & dislikes;
I decide the menu but take into account allergies (obviously, although equally obviously I can’t guarantee an environment which is completely allergen free) and likes & dislikes as far as possible;
Costs shared between all participants, and I’d keep to a budget of no more than £25 per person (including around half a bottle of wine each);
If for any reason you cancel any later than the Friday immediately preceding the Sunday, to be fair to other participants you may have to bear a share of the costs anyway, although I will generally aim to shop on the Saturday thus minimising that risk;
Children welcome by arrangement — might depend a bit on the mix with other participants.
If you’d like to come along on one of the dates, please email me at, letting me know your names, any food-related allergies, likes or dislikes and anything else you feel I should know.
My house is about a 10 minute walk from the station in Faversham — I will give directions to you when I confirm your place.
Looking forward to meeting lots of you in 2022!